Optimizing processes to better use our given resources.
I am currently a student majoring in computer science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
I'm also a software developer intern at Country Financial and Vice President/Treasurer of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at UIUC.
Professionally, I'm interested in improving the workflow of the teams that I'm a part of so that creating output is as simple as possible.
I write code as a means to accomplish business goals.
I believe that agile is only part of the solution and that teams are best managed by providing a clear overarching vision while permitting freedom to explore individual ideas. This autonomy allows for creative solutions following under the guideposts of the team's goals.
I highly value documentation; it is critical to maintaining the success of a team. Knowledge must be properly stored both for oneself and for posterity.
Consistency is key. Processes as well as code must be consistently in order to deliver expected value and have predictable outcomes.
I think that it is better to overcommunicate than to undercommunicate (although people will probably initially like you less).
In communication, I find it best to be direct. This avoids ambiguity and makes it evident to all parties what is going on.
Not everyone thinks that this way is best to do things. That's okay.
You can see some projects that I've worked on or check out my resume on this site.
Also, see the list of some social sites that I'm on (GitHub, etc.).
You can contact me to talk about a project that I've done, learn more about my life, or just to say hi.
In my spare time, I enjoy running, playing card/board games, reading, playing the piano, and programming.
I often find myself torn between incessant focus and pensive serenity. I love learning and there is so much to learn, but there is so much more to be enjoyed in each present moment. There are times for fast and slow, loud and soft.