Began in September 2017
Balloon Poppers is a game in the style of Cookie Clickers written using Processing.JS. It was one of the first complete projects that I created.
In Balloon Poppers, the player can click the balloon to earn pops. These pops can be used to purchase upgrades that earn more pops: automatically, more when you click, when you press a button on your keyboard, or based on your current pop count.
One specifically notable feature of the game is the save feature. I received feedback from users who were disappointed that they had to restart their progress whenever they restarted their computer, so I developed this feature.
Due to the constraints on the host site, networking and local storage are not viable options for saving the users' progress. Instead, I created a solution which encrypts the user's progress into a save code which can then be entered later to restore progress. This code generation includes converting base 10 progress data into a higher base, using letters, numbers, and special characters, in order to keep the save codes as short as possible. The code also features a checksum digit, mainly to deter people from entering random numbers to skip forward in the game.