Project: Rusty Reflexes

36.36% relative
25.00% relative

Began in September 2024

Rusty Reflexes is a low-latency Jeopardy-style buzzer system that allows users to connect wirelessly via a webapp.

It was built using cutting-edge technologies including Rust, WebAssembly, WebSockets, and Docker.

The backend used Rust's Actix framework. The frontend was built using the Yew framework for Rust, compiled into WebAssembly.

My primary role in this project was being the project manager and Docker administrator. I envisioned the idea for this project, helped think through the specifics from a business/user perspective, and created UI mockups. I also worked to efficiently using Docker to coordinate the frontend, backend, and database services. This created a unified development framework and made testing on other devices easier.

  • The Home screen, showing the Rusty Reflexes title with Join Game and Host Game buttons
  • The Join Game screen with inputs for the player's name and room code as well as a submit button. Currently, no data is inputted, and the submit button is grayed out.
  • The host's screen before the game has started, showing a join code with details for joining and a start game button
  • The host's screen after the game has started, showing a list of the names of connected players and button to unlock the buzzers
  • A player's screen, showing the player's name, the player who buzzed in first, and the buzz-in button. Currently, the buzz-in button is grayed out, and the screen says to wait for the button to unlock.