Project: Sugar & Slice

55.72% relative
30.00% relative

Began in September 2022

I worked in a team of fourteen members to create a game using Unity for an RSO (club) called GameBuilders (a subset of ACM@UIUC). We used Scrumban project management via Trello, and I followed Confluence documentation written by the design subteam to guide my work as a member of the programming team. We had weekly standup meetings to update each other on our progress, note blockers of work, and plan future tasks.

This game is a case study of the video game Hades by Supergiant Games. It is a top-down roguelike hack-and-slash game.

My role specifically on the team was largely focused on the UI. I created health bars, menus, and popup tooltips to interact with items. I also worked on other miscellaneous tasks such as the aim assist feature.

  • An animation of gameplay with the player dashing around and slicing while enemies attack her with fireballs
  • The title screen with menu options to start a game, learn how to play, adjust settings, view credits, or quit
  • A freeze frame of the gameplay with a player's magical cast hitting a purple spider enemny
  • A shot of the player performing a spin attack on an enemy
  • A screenshot of a completed level with a hint of pressing a button to interact with the candy to choose a boon
  • The boon dialog screen with a choice between two perks: Cursed Thrust or Poison Cast
  • The pause menu with UI for player status, current level, music and sound controls, and options to resume or go to the main menu
  • The tutorial screen with instructions on controls to play (for keyboard and gamepad) and descriptions of different attacking mechanisms