Project: The Switch

42.22% relative
13.00% relative

Began in March 2020

The Switch is a project I built that tests technologies I was learning about (namely, databases, long polling, and PHP) to form a virtual switch that you can switch on from anywhere in the world, and it updates on everyone else's devices instantly. For instance, you can flip The Switch on your phone and see it update in real-time on your computer.

I used vanilla PHP, AJAX, session cookies, and a MySQL database to implement this functionality.

The Switch is no longer available online.

  • A picture of The Switch, an online light switch. Currently in the down/off position, the background is black. A count of how many flips that the current user and all users have performed is displayed
  • The Switch, an online light switch, in the up/on position, with a light background
  • A screenshot of the settings options for The Switch, including a refresh rate slider and flickering adjustment toggle